PKN : Pancasila according to the Jakarta Charter
Pancasila according to the Jakarta Charter was ratified on June 22, 1945 the following formula:
1. Deity with the obligation to carry out Islamic adherents;
2. Just and civilized humanity;
3. Unity of Indonesia;
4. Democracy guided by the inner wisdom and deliberation representatives;
5. Social justice for all the people of Indonesia;
The conclusion of an assortment of Pancasila understanding the legal and Constitutional right as is mentioned in the Preamble of Pancasila Uud 45, this is reinforced by the provisions of Presidential Decree No. MPRS NO.XXI/MPRS/1966 and. 12 dated 13 April 1968 which confirmed that the pronunciation, writing and formulation of Pancasila, the State of RI is valid
and true as stated in the Preamble which Uud 1945.
3.1.3 Understanding Philosophy Pancasila
Indonesia is known as the Pancasila philosophy. In fact the definition of philosophy in philosophy of Pancasila has been amended and interpreted differently by some philosophers Indonesia. Pancasila used discourse since 1945. Pancasila philosophy constantly updated according to the "request" of the regime, so that the Pancasila vary from time to time.
v Original Pancasila philosophy
Pancasila is an adaptive concept of Western philosophy. It is referring to a speech in BPUPKI Sukarno and many founders are alumni of the University in Europe, where western philosophy is one of their lectures. Pancasila was inspired concepts of humanism, rationalism, universalism, sosiodemokrasi, German socialism, parliamentary democracy, and nationalism.
Sukarno's Pancasila philosophy v version
Pancasila philosophy developed by Sukarno since 1955 until the end of his rule (1965). At that time Sukarno always maintained that the original philosophy of Indonesia Pancasila is taken from the culture and traditions of Indonesia and acculturation India (Hindu-Buddhist), Western (Christian), and Arabic (Islam). According Sukarno "Godhead" is a native of Indonesia, "Justice Soasial" inspired by the concept of Messiah. Sukarno never offend or propagate "Unity".
v version Suharto Pancasila philosophy
By Suharto Pancasila philosophy had Indonesiasi. Through sponsored philosophers Department of Education, all Western elements removed and replaced its interpretation in Indonesian culture, resulting in "truly Pancasila Indonesia". All the precepts of the Pancasila Pancasila is native to Indonesia and translated into more detail (grain of Pancasila). Indonesia philosophers who work and promote the philosophy of Pancasila is truly Indonesia among others Sunoto, R. Parmono, Gerson W. Bawengan, Wasito Poespoprodjo, Burhanuddin Regards, Bambang Daroeso, Paul rides, Azhary, Suhadi, Kaelan, Moertono, Soerjanto Poespowardojo and Moerdiono.
Based on the explanation above, the general understanding of the philosophy of Pancasila is the result of thinking / thinking deeply of the Indonesian nation is considered, trusted and believed to be something (reality, norms, values) the most righteous, the just, the wise, the best and most suitable for Indonesia.
If anatara distinguished religious philosophy and non-religious, the Pancasila philosophy considered religious philosophy. This means that the Pancasila philosophy in terms of wisdom and truth to know the absolute truth that comes from God Almighty (religious truth) and also recognizes the limitations of human capacity, including the capacity to think.
And if differentiated in terms of theoretical philosophy and philosophy in a practical sense, filsafast Pancasila digolongkandalam practical sense. This means that in the Pancasila philosophy held deep thinking, not only aimed at seeking truth and wisdom, not just untukmemenuhi desire to know from people who are not inexhaustible, but also and especially the ideas of tangible Pancasila philosophy is used as a guide everyday life (way of life, philosophy of life, the way of life, and sebgainya Weltanschaung), so that his life can achieve inner and outer happiness, both in this world and in the hereafter.
Furthermore, the philosophy of Pancasila measure kebenran diverse and stratified sebgai following:
1. Truth senses (common knowledge);
2. Scientific truth (sciences);
3. Philosophical truth (philosophy);
4. Religious truth (religion).
To be sure that it is the teaching philosophy of Pancasila, we should quote Yamin Mr.Moh lecture seminar in Yogyakarta Pancasila in 1959, entitled "Functional Overview Revolution Against Pancasila", containing among other things the following:
Overview Pancasila is harmoniously arranged in a system of philosophy. Let us warn you in brief that the doctrine of Pancasila that we can review the by eminent philosophers, namely Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) the father of the philosophy of materialist evolution as taught by Karl Marx (1818-1883) and, according to a review by Darwinian evolution Veterinary Haeckel, and also has to do with the spiritual philosophy as taught by Immanuel Kant (1724-1804).
According to Hegel, the essence of his philosophy is a synthesis of mind born of the antithesis of mind. Of contention thoughts born of a harmonious blend of opinion. And this is right. So does the country Pancasila a synthesis born of antithesis.
I do not want to juggle. Remember the first sentence and the Preamble to the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945 which was the sound disadurkan: That sesungguhanya freedom is the right of every nation. Therefore, the occupation must dihapusakan as contrary to humanity and perikeadilan.
The first sentence is the synthesis between the occupation and the humanitarian and perikeadilan. At the time of synthesis is gone, it gives birth to independence. And the freedom that we arrange according to the doctrine of Pancasila philosophy mentioned in the Preamble to the Constitution in the light of RI 1950 that reads: So with this we compiled our freedom, in the form of a Charter State Unitary Republic based on Pancasila. Here are the five precepts untukmewujudkan called happiness, prosperity and world peace and freedom. This sentence clearly antithesis sentence. Synthesis of independence with Pancasila and the glory of the nation's goals and kesejajteraan called happiness of the people. Tidakah is the clear and present a synthesis of mind based on the antithesis of opinion?
So the parallel premises goal Hegel thought that the doctrine of Pancasila beralasanlah opinion it is a system of philosophy, according to the Neo-Hegelian dialectic.
All the precepts it is in a residential arrangement harmonious philosophy of mind. Pancasila as Bung Karno drill results are also in line with the views of the Neo-Hegelian life review.
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