PakHaji once thought that a young man was obliged to worship prayer worship the God who created man, but as technology has studied the Qur'an, prayer 5 times turns it gave an enormous advantage for those who live with a solemn, not forced, willingly . To health, to be more patient, quiet, serene, in order not to fall into the dark side and do the wrath of God.
According to Mr. Haji Bambang, the technology has the Qur'an, prayer 5 times 17 raka'at is an advanced method that is able to activate 17 simpul2 nerve (simpul2 unseen) in the human body to the deepest potential and bring a variety of extraordinary kemampuan2 in the body. The term 'Unlock Inner Power' so that it changes from extraordinary ordinary man capable of great human so unimaginable. Evidently a lot of people so pious a man of honor and loved many people, so popular, etc..
Unfortunately a lot of prayers moderation so great ability that appears gone back, supernatural force that began to actively covered. Many are praying for riya, because it wants to be considered as experts worship, regarded as a pious man, but all of it is fake just like a mere mask, instead of his conscience, not from within himself, not identity. And with the prayer 5 times solemnly, simpul2 magic in him one by one will be active.
Especially if you can pray sunnah Ba'diah and Qobli'ahnya enough 2 raka'at alone, executed well and Asar exception Shubuh no Ba'diahnya. Sunnah prayers to keep the magic simpul2 been open and active, actively maintained and not close again. Brain capacity and performance increases because when prostrate, increases blood flow to the brain, brain gain more oxygen so that memory and perception stronger, more intelligent so that any problems can be overcome quickly. (Prostration not as fast as lightning).
Prayer when done with sincerity, conviction and resignation to God, then millions of good things will unfold and various pintu2 kindness will open by itself, so it gives a pleasant life abundant windfall from an terduga2 direction and obtain a variety of God's grace in the form of a benefit ilmu2 putus2nya not forever, throughout life.
But if not, then all that suffering always whack, narrow fortune, misfortune struck up a variety of issues and seemed like a life in hell like plunged into a deep ravine, so it could not rise again, or like entry into a dark cave and walk meraba2 ter- seok2, often terpentok habis2nya or fall up there, stuck and do not know when all this will end, without an iota of light way out. With emphasis Istighfar, God will light the way of life.
May God moves him to want to come to therapy NurSyifa 'for enlightenment or enlightment so as to obtain a better life wallowing in the light and guidance of God the way the light so as not terlunta2 or mired deeper, God willing, Mr. Haji Bambang and the healers in therapy NurSyifa 'always ready to help assist issuing of darkness and always provide quality guidance to get out of her misery and gain new life enjoyable.
NurSyifa Therapy 'how to quickly increase the faith of piety and worship, clever method of approach to God that all the prayers and wishes granted embodied God, in order to get a quiet life peaceful and happy, unlock various pintu2 goodness in Allah help release the burden, maximizing the performance of the body to fresh healthy energetic stamina, as well as millions of other good things unimaginable. Therapy NurSyifa 'Therapy Simultaneously Worship, God's creation excavated from the Qur'an and Sunnah, would be suitable for, and certainly we all results.
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