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Tata Cahaya : The importance of Lighting or Lighting in Video Production

If we do take pictures or shoot then we are obliged to know the name of lighting. Shooting is painting with light. Elements of light is extremely important in the making of films and television shows. Therefore we need to know all the details, from the parts.Simply put there are two types of sources pecahayaan, namely:a. Original Light (natural light)- The Sun- Monthb. Artificial Light (artificial lighting / clone)Light is a wave elektromagnestis received by the senses of sight (eyes) which is then transmitted to the brain that would respond, respond to light stimulation stretcher. Sederhanya, without light the object would not be visible. For this reason, the production of film and video require visible light to the subject.
Definition LightingHarmonic radiation from a subject with a viewTo create a good image
Purpose of the arrangement of light:

Getting the desired atmosphere inside an impression
Getting the picture according to the production plan drafts
Affect audience emotions
Getting the appropriate image original color.
Lighting televisions have the following functions:

Meet the needs of system engineering tools
Providing perspective
Giving attention to the essential elements of the scene
Set the mood of the scene / set timing
To support the overall beauty of the scene.
Element Lighting- Elements of Technique- Elements of art- Elements of philosophy (pragmatics)
Object Shines means giving an object or subject of lighting that can be seen clearly within the concept of the film itself. Not all shade is needed and not all the shadows are not necessary. With lighting tetentu shadow could be eliminated, reduced, or even increased. Whether or not a shadow or a shadow, again depends on the concept of shooting itself.
Three Points of LightThis has become the basis of a formula or a formula lighting in video production, film, and photographs. Three important points that consist of:
1. Key Light is the primary radiation falling on a subject, generating strong shadows.
2. Fill Light is radiation to soften the image produced key light. The intensity of lighting fill light is usually half of the key light.
3. Back Light irradiation from the back of the subject's head and shoulders, forming a line edge or rim of the subjects serve to gave the dimensions that the subject is not "blend" with the background.
In addition to 3 point lighting there was other types of lighting, namely Background Light are intended to set the stage can still look fine.
Measure Intensity
The intensity of the light generated from the key light, fill light, and backlight can be measured by a device that is lightmeter. There are two types of tools that Incident and Reflectant. Incident intended to measure the intensity of light which "falls" on the subject. While Reflectant used to measure the intensity of light reflected by the subject.
Types of Lighting

Hard Light, for Keylight and backlight
- Spot Light- Gun / follow spit- Profile Spot effect

Soft Light, for Fill Light
- Small Board- Large Board- Sky Pan

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