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Fakta Unic about Albert Einstein


* Albert Einstein Never Not Pass the College Entrance
This is the first fact of human genius. Einstein was a smart've not pass the test when he will enter Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (Swiss State Technical College) in 1895 when Einstein was 17 years old. Einstein passed the test subjects of Mathematics and Science, but failed in other subjects (history, language, geography, and other non-exact lesson.) Then Eisntein year later after school graduating first in public schools. [Source]
* Rarely Talk Einstein when he was a child
As a child, Albert Einstein seldom spoke. Despite speaking very softly once. Actually, Einstein collect the words in his head, and then say it again slowly (as if mumbling). After he gets the right word, then he uttered a loud cry. This custom made Einstein until the age of 9 years so that parents worry if Einstein had mental retardation.
* Einstein was a fat baby with big head
When Einstein was born, his body is too fat and his head was much bigger than babies generally. Einstein family is very frantic, but doctors reassured them. Head slowly shrinking to normal size. However, her grandmother kept saying "too fat, it's too fat" when he saw Einstein for the first time.
* Life Scientists inspired by Einstein's Compass
When Einstein was 5 years old and sick in bed, his father came to bring a compass hanging simple. Einstein was very interested when I saw the object. When behind and twisted around, the needle is in the kompat keep pointing in the same direction. From this curiosity Einstein began to emerge.

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